08 May 2020

BEREC internet capacity reports now with broader scope

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The latest BEREC summary report on the status on internet capacity shows that traffic remains mostly stable across the EU.

The summary reports now also include an overview of other relevant measures National Regulatory Authorities, public institutions and market players are taking to deal with the COVID-19 crisis, such as information campaigns, providing consumers with practical recommendations on the contribution consumers could make to avoid congestion issues. It is also reported that some NRAs have suspended or postponed some planned or ongoing procedures, such as spectrum tenders or release of the 700 MHz band.

On 12 May BEREC and the International Institute of Communications will organize a webinar to discuss decisions and initiatives taken in response to the pandemic. Spectrum management, net neutrality regimes, novel health management apps and privacy protection, and combatting disinformation will be among the list of important themes for discussion.
The event is open to all interested parties and will be streamed on the BEREC website landing page. Streaming window will appear 5-10 min before the event. We welcome questions to the speakers, please send them in by email to [email protected] before 12 May 11.00 CEST. Registration for the event is already open.