15 July 2020

BEREC holds extraordinary plenary meeting to provide input on the two public consultations of the EC

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On 15 July 2020, BEREC held a virtual extraordinary plenary meeting to respond to the public consultation launched by the European Commission (EC) on 2 June 2020 with a deadline for submission 8 September 2020.

During the plenary, the Board of Regulators discussed the input BEREC will provide as a response to the public consultations, both on the Digital Service Act package and on the New Competition Tool. BEREC decided to focus the response on ex-ante regulation for digital platforms in the context of the Digital Service Act and a position paper on the New Competition Tool.

BEREC continues to contribute to the regulatory debate on digital platforms and economy. This has already been the subject of some recent BEREC reports, for example on the impact of premium content on ECS markets and the effect of devices on the open use of the Internet or on the Data Economy.

Currently, BEREC is working on a digital platforms report, due in December 2020. This is done with a view to further contribute to the work of the EC in the area of digital platforms and to continue building on a stable cooperation.