06 December 2018

BEREC elects new Chair for 2020 and Vice-Chairs for 2019

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In the light of new and ambitious tasks assigned by the legislator, today the BEREC members at the 37th plenary meetings in Prague elected the BEREC Chair for 2020 and Vice-Chairs for 2019.

Dan Sjöblom, the Director General of the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) was elected BEREC Chair 2020.
Dan Sjöblom was appointed as the General Director of PTS by the Swedish Government on 1 February 2017. Prior to taking up his position, Mr Sjöblom was the Director General for the Swedish Competition Authority for eight years, between 2009 and 2017. He is also board member of the Swedish Broadband Council.   Mr Sjöblom has served as a civil servant at the European Commission between 1996 and 2009. He holds a Master of Laws from Stockholm University.

Tanja Muha (AKOS, Slovenia), Marcin Cichy (UKE, Poland) and Konstantinos Masselos (EETT, Greece) have also been elected to serve as Vice-Chairs for 2019 together with Johannes Gungl (RTR, Austria) and Dan Sjöblom (PTS, Sweden) as respectively outgoing and incoming BEREC Chairs. They will support Jeremy Godfrey (ComReg, Ireland), who will be BEREC Chair 2019.

The Board of Regulators appoints its Chair and Vice-Chairs from among its members. The term of office of the Chair and of the Vice-Chairs is one year. Before serving her/his term as Chair for one year, the Chair has firstly to serve one year as a Vice-Chair. For ensuring continuity of BERECs' work, the Chair has to serve as a Vice-Chair for the year following her/his term as Chair. Every year the Board of Regulators appoints the Chair for the year subsequent to the following year and the Vice-Chairs for the following year.