26 March 2021

BEREC contributes to the Connectivity Toolbox

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Today, Member States agreed on a final list of best practices to help reach the Gigabit connectivity goals by 2025 and promote full connectivity. The publication of the Connectivity Toolbox kicks off the final step in the European Commission Connectivity Recommendation process, which is the implementation of identified measures. By 30 April 2021, each Member State should provide the Commission with a roadmap for implementing the Toolbox.

In parallel to the Member states, the BEREC experts contributed to the Connectivity Recommendation process since its publication on 18 September 2020. During a joint workshop of BEREC and the Cost Reduction Sub-group of the Connectivity Special Group of COCOM, the BEREC experts presented their national experiences and best practices relevant for the Toolbox of the Connectivity Recommendation. The workshop focused on best practices concerning reduction of the cost and increase of the speed of deploying electronic communications networks, in particular, very high capacity networks. 

Broadband Cost Reduction Directive

The Recommendation calls on the Member States to identify and share a toolbox of best practices to speed up and lower the cost of very high capacity network roll-out and to ensure timely and investment-friendly access to 5G radio spectrum. The Toolbox aims to contribute to the Member States' preparation of their intended reforms in the context of the recovery and resilience plans in the area of digital, to which 20% of the funds have to be allocated.

In the past years, BEREC has been actively working on implementing the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive (BCRD) and has published several reports related to this topic. In light of the planned review of the BCRD by the European Commission, BEREC also provided its expertise to the Commission, based on the experience of its members, in particular as a dispute settlement body and single information point at the national level. The BEREC Opinion on the Revision of the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive was published on 16 March 2021.

In line with BEREC’s strategic priority of promoting full connectivity throughout Europe, BEREC highly supports this process, which will boost investment in very high-capacity broadband connectivity infrastructure, including 5G, on a European-wide level. BEREC prioritises work that improves the general conditions for the expansion and take-up of secure, competitive and reliable high-capacity networks (both fixed and wireless) across Europe while ensuring a smooth transition from legacy infrastructures.