18 March 2020

BEREC Chairs online webinar on BEREC Strategy and Work Programme 2021 on 1 April 2020 at 14:00 CET

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BEREC has set out its strategic approach and objectives, which will guide the work for the next five years. This online webinar will offer stakeholders the opportunity to engage with BEREC Chair, Dan Sjöblom and the incoming Chair, Michel Van Bellinghen on the draft BEREC Strategy and the outline for the BEREC Work Programme 2021.

During its 42nd plenary meeting, the BEREC Board of Regulators launched a consultation regarding the BEREC Strategy 2021-2025 and an early call for input on the BEREC Work Programme 2021. Therefore, this virtual meeting with the BEREC Chairs will serve as a question and answer platform session for stakeholders in order to develop engagement, collaboration and to create an open dialogue. Stakeholders are also invited to give input for the forthcoming work programme in order to understand their priorities.

The latest update of the BEREC’s strategy will cover a period of five years, namely 2021-2025. The decision to extend this from the previous three-year period to five years will serve to enable better alignment with the legislative cycle of the European Commission (EC), the objectives and new priorities set out by the President of the EC Ms Ursula von der Leyen for the period of 2019 -2024.

The structure of the BEREC strategy will continue to support and follow the 3 strategic priorities around connectivity - Very High Capacity Networks and rollout of 5G, sustainable and open digital markets and end-users, and bridge the digital divide. The objectives of the future Work Programme will be aligned with the future BEREC Strategy 2021-2025.

Join Dan Sjöblom and Michel Van Bellinghen at the online webinar on the BEREC website: 1 April 2020 at 14:00 CET. Please forward your initial questions and suggestions to [email protected].

BEREC will continue to improve its interaction with all stakeholders to ensure that its output stays relevant.