20 February 2020

BEREC Chair on regulatory implications of 5G at the European Investment Bank's workshop

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"The challenges today are indeed something where we need a common approach to and cooperation. Coordination with all the relevant stakeholders and institutions is vital. BEREC sit on considerable expertise and understanding of the markets, in understanding the consequences that increased levels of requirements and regulations might have on market dynamics on an EU level and for the roll-out of 5G,” said the BEREC Chair 2020 Dan Sjöblom at the workshop organized by the European Investment Bank (EIB) in cooperation with the European Commission (EC).

The workshop featured an overview of 5G-enabled applications in Europe, and related financing challenges and opportunities. Following that, a high-level panel discussed key financing issues experienced by companies developing 5G-enabled solutions and applications.

The event gathered a highly selective group of industrial players, 5G technology providers, innovative companies and venture capital firms that play a key role in the evolution and deployment of 5G in Europe.

The EIB together with the EC will collect the feedback from the workshop and integrate it in an upcoming report, which they will publish later this year.