10 May 2022

BEREC Chair: cybersecurity is important to achieve meaningful end-to-end connectivity

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Focusing on foresight as a strategic priority for cybersecurity, on 6 May 2022, the BEREC Chair Annemarie Sipkes (ACM, Netherlands) participated at the ENISA Threathunt 2030 Conference. During a panel discussion, Sipkes underlined the importance of resilient digital infrastructures for Europe. The COVID crisis and the war in Ukraine have shown the importance of connectivity in Europe and bridging the digital divide. She stated that security is an important factor in achieving meaningful end-to-end connectivity in Europe, which is the key purpose of BEREC.

BEREC has contributed to the 5G Cybersecurity Toolbox objectives by actively assisting the Network and Information Systems (NIS) Cooperation group in achieving a high common level of security for network and information systems in the European Union. BEREC supports the evaluation of the EU 5G Cybersecurity Toolbox strategic measures that relate to the diversification of 5G suppliers and the resilience of networks. BEREC experts also analyse the security implications of open, disaggregated, and interoperable network technology solutions - the radio access network (Open RAN).

Although it has not been mentioned in the 5G Cybersecurity toolbox, Open RAN can serve as a tool to implement some of the measures in the 5G Cybersecurity toolbox. To explore and discuss various supply and demand-side issues related to open interfaces within Open RAN and the benefits and challenges associated with it, BEREC invites stakeholders to its workshop on 24 May 2022.

BEREC will continue its collaboration with the NIS Cooperation Group, ENISA and the European Commission on the cyber security related topics in the future.