30 August 2018

“5G will be the centre of the Gigabit Society for the following years” says BEREC Chair at Telekom-Forum

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"Europe on the way to the Gigabit Society" was the topic at this year's Telekom-Forum in Salzburg, Austria. Among the speakers were BEREC Chair Johannes Gungl and Director-General of DG Connect Roberto Viola.

Viola emphasized the many milestones already reached: "Three years after the launch of the Digital Single Market Strategy, the Commission has delivered on all its proposals. We have put forward close to 60 initiatives, almost half of them legislative, that foster the European digital ecosystem and deliver demonstrable benefits to our citizens and businesses." He also called for collaboration “to reap all the benefits”.

In order to make these benefits grow well, BEREC prepares a fertile landscape for 5G in Europe. Gungl sees 5G as the centre of the Gigabit Society for the following years. Therefore, the Body revises current practices in regulation. “Reducing costs and creating an investment friendly climate is of utmost importance”, emphasised Gungl.

The Telekom-Forum has been bringing together sector stakeholders for 19 years. It is organized by the Austrian NRA RTR, the University of Salzburg and DG Connect.