23 February 2021

5G is a significant economic growth driver

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The 5G rollout and deployment in Europe and the key issues that European Commission shall address in reviewing the "5G Action Plan" were among the main topics discussed during the European 5G Conference's first session on 23 February 2021. 

During the session, the BEREC Chair Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium) emphasized, that 5G will be the cornerstone for digital connectivity and a significant economic growth driver. He said: ”Fast roll-out of 5G networks is a prerequisite for the long-term competitiveness and sustainability of the EU. In the backdrop of the Connectivity Recommendation and the upcoming Broadband Cost Reduction review, we see a turnaround towards the “greening” of telecom infrastructure and services".

5G is one of BEREC’s strategic priorities set out in the strategy for 2021 – 2025. The BEREC Chair underlined that the challenges to address range from work on standards, interoperability, new business models, spectrum availability to  network sharing, coverage, Quality of Service (QoS), security and resilience. During the virtual event, the BEREC Chair also emphasized that achieving full connectivity by massive deployment of 5G and fiber networks is essential. Therefore, BEREC also dedicates its work to the  copper switch off, backhaul, the Electromagnetic Fields workshop, exchange of 5G experiences and coverage indicators. Michel Van Bellinghen reminded that BEREC is a trustworthy partner to the EU institutions in the backdrop of the European digital policy. Within the NIS Cooperation Group, our expertise already contributes to the analysis of the implementation of 5G toolbox strategic measures, particularly the diversification of suppliers and strengthening national resilience. 

During the conference, the BEREC Chair invited to seize the opportunity for enhancing the connectivity, benefiting end-users. With vaccination and end of the winter, the realm of freedom is still away. The improved connectivity will let people celebrate the end of the winter and the advent of the first sun,  at least virtually. 

Enhanced connectivity of the end-users should be achieved in a sustainable manner since the green transition in telecoms is inevitable. One of the significant turnarounds of this green transition is the Connectivity Recommendation. It allows BEREC and the National Regulatory Authorities together with other competent authorities, such as RSPG, to be involved in the establishment of the Connectivity Toolbox.