24 June 2016

2016 BEREC – Regulatel summit in Cancún

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BEREC and its counterpart from REGULATEL (Latin American Forum of Telecommunications Regulators) met on 24 June 2016 in Cancún (Mexico) for a high-level summit to discuss the current challenges for the electronic communications sector. The BEREC Chair 2016, Wilhelm Eschweiler, introduced to the audience the current BEREC work programme, outlining the main issues BEREC is working on.

In his presentation, Wilhelm Eschweiler explained how the BEREC work programme addresses current regulatory challenges and its aim to prepare for the new challenges that result from the market developments and technological changes. “For 2016 we have identified three main issues that are the most pressing ones. The first one relates to the Telecoms Single Market (TSM) Regulation, which is in force since last November. This legal document contains the provisions for net neutrality and international roaming. The second topic is about the upcoming review of the European telecoms framework. We expect a first draft of the proposals by the European Commission after the summer break.” As a third issue the BEREC Chair named further activities, such as OTT services and spectrum.

Mr. Eschweiler highlighted, that preparatory work for the BEREC work programme 2017 is in progress and will remain its focus to further input to the framework review as well as further implementation of the TSM topics.  

The draft BEREC work programme 2017 will be launched for public consultation during the 4th BEREC Stakeholder Forum meeting that will take place on 17 October 2016 in Brussels.