14 October 2011


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14 October 2011
BEREC Office was inaugurated today in full operational capacity at its permanent location in Riga, Latvia, by the Latvian President, Andris Bērziņš, the Vice-President of the European Commission, Neelie Kroes, the BEREC Chairs, Mr Chris Fonteijn – and the Latvian Prime Minister, Valdis Dombrovskis.
Vice-President Kroes pointed out: “BEREC has to play a crucial role in improving the consistency and transparency of regulatory action in telecoms markets, and emphasised that the opening of BEREC's Office is a prerequisite for it to carry out its challenging role effectively, independently, and successfully.”
In that respect the Latvian side committed itself to offer to the BEREC Office a good and warm home, in a top-ranking country for internet speed. The BEREC Chair, Chris Fonteijn, stated: “BEREC’s ambition is become one of the cornerstones of the broader digital and internet policy in 3 to 5 years. The support of BEREC Office in this ambition is indispensible.” Read more.
New : also watch BEREC's introductive video!