14 February 2022

10th BEREC Stakeholder Forum to take place on 23 March 2022

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To introduce stakeholders to the initial work plans for 2023 and engage in fruitful discussions on topics relevant to the telecoms market, BEREC will hold its annual Stakeholder Forum on 23 March 2022 in Brussels, Belgium.

Just as in 2021, the day will begin with the Meet&Greet sessions. These are planned as informal in-person meetings to provide registered participants with an opportunity to exchange ideas with the BEREC Working Group Co-chairs and, over a coffee, talk about challenges in the sector.

After lunch, BEREC invites all stakeholders to join the conference part of the BEREC Stakeholder Forum. The incoming BEREC Chair for 2023, Konstantinos Masselos (EETT, Greece), will welcome conference participants to introduce the BEREC work plans for 2023 and stakeholder engagement throughout the Work Programme preparatory process. Together with the BEREC Chair, Annemarie Sipkes (ACM, Netherlands), they will engage with participants in discussing the current and future challenges in BEREC’s work. During the conference, moderator Philippe Defraigne (Cullen International) will facilitate lively discussions at panels on Artificial Intelligence’s recent advances and future trends and the regulation of digital platforms for effective enforcement of the Digital Markets Act. The European Commission will present its Digital Decade Policy programme and will be ready to engage with stakeholders during a questions and answers session. BEREC’s study on the effect of Electronic Communications on the environment will also be presented. A more detailed conference programme will follow soon. The BEREC Stakeholder Forum will conclude with a networking reception.

Stakeholders are welcome to participate in the event in person. Participation requires prior registration. The registration is open!

BEREC will also ensure that stakeholders who cannot travel can follow the conference’s live stream on our website and on social media – Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. In-person and online participants will have an opportunity to send questions to speakers via a designated online tool.

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