Véronique Ney

Luxembourg Institute for Regulation - Luxembourg

Véronique Ney joined the electronic communications’ department of ILR (Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation) in 2012. She has been contributing to market reviews, the imposition of regulatory remedies such as bottom-up cost modelling, as well as to the implementation and monitoring of open internet-related provisions. She has also coordinated the project on implementing geographical surveys in Luxembourg.

Véronique worked as a seconded national expert at the Agency for Support for BEREC and provided administrative support to the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) Working Groups (WGs) for a period of two years, before her appointment as a Co-Chair of the BEREC Open Internet WG at the end of 2020.

She holds a Master’s degree in Economic Sciences with a specialisation in Macroeconomics and European Politics from the University of Strasbourg.