BEREC started its work on the opinion on the Commission’s review of the Recommendation on Relevant Markets by hosting a workshop in Stockholm. At the workshop the Commission presented its proposal and representatives from operators...
BEREC has agreed a methodology to monitor the compliance by its members with its broadband common positions (adopted in December 2012). The regulators will launch the monitoring exercise in early 2014. The monitoring report will...
At its second Plenary of 2013, BEREC elected its Chair for 2014, Goran Marby, Head of the Swedish regulator, PTS. Mr Marby will take up his post in January 2014, and until then will serve...
At its first Plenary of 2013, BEREC agreed the headline messages of its opinion on the Commission’s draft recommendation on cost orientation and non-discrimination.
Broadly shared objectives, detailed comments to come
At its 13th plenary meeting in St Julian’s, Malta, which took place on 6-7 December 2012, BEREC adopted three broadband common positions, following a period of public consultation. The common positions on wholesale local access,...
At an extraordinary Plenary meeting of Europe’s regulators held on 15 November 2012 in Brussels, Commissioner Neelie Kroes elaborated on her vision for incentivising private sector investment in NGA, following her public statement on the...
BEREC has revised its broadband common positions, originally adopted in 2006 and 2007, to reflect both technological developments (the roll-out of NGA networks) and regulatory developments (the revisions to the European regulatory framework in 2009,...