Event title Event Date
BEREC Stakeholder Workshop on Relevant Markets
1st Contact Network meeting for 2014 in Latvia
BEREC meeting with Commission
Debriefing from the 17th BEREC plenary in Brussels
17th BEREC Plenary Meeting in Hungary
BEREC Machine 2 Machine Workshop
4th Contact Network meeting for 2013 in Germany
Public hearing of the draft BEREC 2014 Work Programme
BEREC Accessibility Workshop
Meeting with VP Kroes on “Connected Continent” legislative package
Debriefing from the 16th BEREC plenary in Brussels
16th BEREC Plenary Meeting in Latvia
1st BEREC Stakeholder Forum Meeting
3rd Contact Network meeting for 2013 in the Netherlands
Meeting with the EU Commission on the single market initiative
Debriefing from the 15th BEREC plenary in Brussels
15th BEREC Plenary Meeting in Greece
BEREC workshop on Art. 28(2) of the US Directive
Public hearing on BEREC Guidelines on Roaming Regulation (EU)
2nd Contact Network meeting for 2013 in France