Work on guidelines

Intra-EU Communications (Update)

As of 15 May 2019 any retail price (excluding VAT) charged to consumer for regulated intra-EU communications shall not exceed a maximum of 0.19 € per minute for calls and 0.06 € per SMS message. BEREC defines general provisions and specific rules for parameter to assess the sustainability of these provisions.

Status Publication on 6 October 2020

Consultation Report under progress

Working Group ROAM WG

Source Art 50 BEREC Regulation


Minimum Criteria for a Reference Offer

NRAs may impose obligations for transparency in relation to interconnection/access, requiring operators to make public both specified information as well as terms and conditions for supply and use, requiring operators to publish a reference offer. BEREC guidelines set the minimum criteria for a reference offer. The scope is:

  • Terms and conditions for the provision of network access
  • Details of operational processes
  • Service supply and quality conditions
  • General terms and conditions of the agreement

Status Published

Consultation Report

Working Group REM WG

Source Art 69 EECC


General Authorisation Notifications

BEREC will be in charge of maintaining an EU database of the notifications transmitted to the competent authorities and serve as a point of information. To simplify and harmonise the existing national forms, BEREC prepared guidelines on the notification template.

Status Published

Consultation Report

Working Group RF WG

Source Art 12 (4) EECC


Network Termination Point

The location of the network termination point has an impact on whether a piece of equipment at the customer premises is part of the public network or part of the telecommunications terminal equipment. BEREC guidelines provide guidance to NRAs on common approaches to the identification of the network termination point in different network topologies.

Status Published

Consultation Report

Working Group FNE WG

Source Art 61 (7) EECC


Geographical Surveys of Network Deployments

BEREC guidelines assist on the consistent implementation of NRAs' and/or other competent authorities’ obligations to conduct a geographical survey of the reach of electronic communications networks capable of delivering “broadband networks”.

Status Published

Consultation Report

Working Group SAI WG

Source Art 22 EECC


Numbering Resources for non-ECN / non-ECS

NRAs and/or other competent authorities may grant rights of use for numbering resources from the national numbering plans for the provision of specific services to undertakings other than providers of electronic communications networks or services.

BEREC guidelines describe common criteria for the assessment of the ability of the mentioned providers to manage numbering resources and the risk of exhaustion of numbering resources.

Status Published

Consultation Report

Working Group RF WG

Source Art 93 EECC


Quality of Service

BEREC guidelines detail the quality of service parameters, including parameters relevant for end-users with disabilities, applicable measurement methods, content and format of publication of the information and quality certification mechanisms.

Status Published

Consultation Report

Working Group EU WG

Source Art 104 EECC


Public Warning Systems

The guidelines are based on a qualitative assessment of factors defining coverage and affecting the capacity to reach concerned end-users of warnings transmitted. BEREC encourages information sharing so that authorities can benefit from exchange of experiences and learn about relevant technology updates.

Status Published

Consultation Report

Working Group WNE WG

Source Art 110 EECC


Very High Capacity Networks

"Very high capacity network" is a new and important concept of the EECC and is also used in other initiatives taken by the EU institutions. BEREC guidelines describe the criteria a network has to fulfil in order to be considered a very high capacity network (VHCN). They base on the definition of the term VHCN in the Code and on data collected from network operators.

Status Finalising Guidelines (due in December 2020)

Consultation Report (due in December 2020)

Working Group FNE WG

Source Art 82 EECC


Symmetric Access Obligations

The guidelines will provide guidance to the National Regulatory Authorities on criteria to determine key aspects for the application of the extended and amended provision on symmetric access regulation according to Article 61(3) EECC. Under certain circumstances, NRAs may impose access to a point beyond the first concentration or distribution point.

BEREC guidelines set out the relevant criteria for determining:    

  • the first concentration or distribution point;
  • the point, beyond the first concentration or distribution point, capable of hosting a sufficient number of end-user connections to enable an efficient undertaking to overcome the significant replicability barriers identified;
  • which network deployments can be considers new;
  • which projects can be considered small;
  • and which economic or physical barriers to replication are high and non-transitory.

Status Draft

Consultation ongoing

Working Group FNE WG

Source Art 61 (3) EECC


Co-Investment Criteria

Undertakings, which have been designated as having significant market power in one or several relevant markets may offer commitments to open the deployment of a new very high capacity network to co-investment if it consists of optical fibre elements up to the end-user premises or base station. According to Art. 76 EECC, if the offer complies with a set of conditions set in paragraph 1, the SMP regulation for the markets affected by these commitments is lifted.

The aim of the BEREC guidelines are to foster the consistent application by NRAs of the set criteria defined in paragraph 1 Art. 76 EECC setting these conditions.

Status Draft

Consultation ongoing

Working Group MEA WG

Source Art 76 EECC