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The Digital Markets Working Group (DM WG) is putting efforts in fostering independent, consistent and high-quality regulation of electronic communications services and digital markets. A 02/05/2023
The End Users Working Group (EU WG) focuses on promoting consumer choice and empowerment by developing policies that assist consumers in making better-informed choices and 02/05/2023
The Open Internet Working Group (OI WG) contributes to the functioning of the Internet Ecosystem as an engine of innovation and thus to ensuring a 02/05/2023
Co-chair of the Fixed Network Evolution Working Group François Weber is head of the copper and infrastructures unit at the French National Authority (Arcep). He 03/05/2023
The main purpose of the Remedies and Market Monitoring Working Group (RAMM WG) is to provide guidance for the effective and consistent implementation of remedies 02/05/2023
The Sustainability Working Group (SUS WG) aims to develop stronger awareness and new expertise regarding the different aspects of sustainability in the digital sector, including 02/05/2023
The Cybersecurity Working Group (CS WG) aims at supporting the take-up of secure and reliable electronic communications networks, while ensuring a smooth transition from legacy 02/05/2023
Co-chair of the Open Internet Working Group Christoph Mertens joined the German regulatory authority Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) in 1998. Currently he works in BNetzA's unit "Net 03/05/2023
Procurement in the context of the activity of the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) means the acquisition by means of a contract of 04/07/2022