
734 Results: BEREC / Others
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
BoR (25) 41 Working Arrangements between BEREC-BEREC Office and ANRCETI BEREC
BoR (24) 100 BEREC’s input to the EC public consultation on the White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?” BEREC
BoR (24) 68 BEREC high-level position on artificial intelligence and virtual worlds BEREC
BoR (24) 53 BEREC calendar of international activities and events in 2024 BEREC
BoR (24) 61 Project Requirements Document for BEREC Guidelines on access to in-building physical infrastructure according to Article 9 (6) of the Gigabit Infrastructure Act BEREC
BoR (24) 62 Project Requirements Document for BEREC Guidelines on the coordination of civil works according to Art. 5(5) of the Gigabit Infrastructure Act BEREC
BoR (24) 23 BEREC comments on draft ENISA Report on CPE Cybersecurity BEREC
BoR (24) 20 Project Requirements Document (PRD) on Input to the European Commission calls for contributions on competition in virtual worlds and generative artificial intelligence BEREC
BoR (23) 131 BEREC input to the EC's exploratory consultation on the future of the electronics communications sector and its infrastructure BEREC
BoR (23) 120 BEREC Analysis of the European Commission legislative proposal for a Gigabit Infrastructure Act BEREC
BoR (23) 47 BEREC calendar of international activities and events in 2023 BEREC
BoR (23) 48 BEREC Action Plan for 2030 BEREC
BoR (23) 24 Revision of Procedures for the BEREC databases of numbering ranges for value-added services and means of access to emergency services for roaming users BEREC
BoR (22) 184 External Study on Communication Services for Businesses in Europe: Status Quo and Future Trends BEREC
BoR (22) 170 Procedures for the BEREC Databases of numbering ranges for value-added services and means of access to emergency services for roaming users BEREC
BoR (22) 206 Working arrangements concerning participation of the NRA from Ukraine in the work of BEREC BEREC