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The EU co-legislators have assigned the Body of the European Regulators for Electronic Communications to establish and maintain a database of notifications transmitted to the 15/02/2021
As of today, 8 February 2021, the new numbering resources database is available on the BEREC website. The co-legislators have entrusted BEREC to establish 08/02/2021
9 July 2012 BEREC is launching public consultations on two draft BEREC documents, as follows:   1)      Draft BEREC Guidelines on the application of Article 10/07/2012
These draft guidelines are provided by BEREC in response to the task set in Article 22 (7) of the Directive (EU) 2018/1972 of the European 28/01/2021
BEREC Opinion Phase II investigation pursuant to Article 7(a) of Directive 2002/21/EC as amended by Directive 2009/140/EC Case CZ/2012/1322: Wholesale broadband access (Market 5) in 24/07/2012
Organisation Date Location BEREC representative(s) Apple; Microsoft; Google; Stanford University; Facebook;  Cisco; ICANN; Qualcomm; AT&T; SpaceX 21/01/2020 – 24/01/2020 Palo Alta, San Francisco BEREC Chair 26/08/2020
The regulatory strategies and measures employed in Europe and the US to ensure connectivity during the pandemics were among the topics discussed between the incoming 23/12/2020
At the last public debriefing of this year, incoming BEREC Chair Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium) presented BEREC's Work Programme (WP) for 2021. By 22/12/2020
On 21 December 2020, BEREC and the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) are jointly organizing a virtual workshop on 5G cybersecurity toolbox developments and the 19/12/2020
The monthly BEREC summary report on the status of internet capacity has been updated with a new overview of the current situation in Europe. The 18/12/2020