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To collect input from startups and digital companies’ associations and the key potential challengers to the digital gatekeepers on contestability, on 28 April 2021 from 07/04/2021
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, BEREC started a special reporting mechanism to ensure regular monitoring of the Internet traffic situation in each Member State. BEREC just 06/04/2021
Today, Member States agreed on a final list of best practices to help reach the Gigabit connectivity goals by 2025 and promote full connectivity. The 26/03/2021
During the BEREC Public debriefing on the outcomes of the 46th BEREC ordinary meetings held on 17 March 2021, the incoming BEREC Chair 2022 Annemarie 26/03/2021
15 June 2007 Following the ERG 21st Plenary held in Oslo 31 May 2007 there was a public debriefing held in Brussels on 15 June 17/06/2007
After the diligent work, the Board of Regulators adopted and published the BEREC Opinion on the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive (BCRD) revision. It is 16/03/2021
On 1 April 2021, BEREC will hold its annual Stakeholder Forum to exchange ideas with stakeholders on BEREC’s work and plans for 2022 and discuss 09/03/2021
On 17 March 2021 BEREC will hold its first public debriefing to present the 46th BEREC plenary meeting outcomes. Together with the Working Group 08/03/2021
BEREC’s future aims are to play an essential role in further improving the consistency and harmonised application of regulations rules, to enhance its working methodology 03/03/2021
The 5G rollout and deployment in Europe and the key issues that European Commission shall address in reviewing the "5G Action Plan" were among the 23/02/2021