Most Relevant Publication Date
BEREC has published a press release on net neutrality findings and new guidance for consultation. You may read it here. 29/05/2012
Opening remarks Göran Marby, 2014 BEREC Chair   BEREC Strategy and Work Programme 2015 Jack Hamande, 2014 BEREC Vice-Chair Fatima Barros, 2014 BEREC Vice-Chair and 24/10/2014
The video from the 20th BEREC public debriefing is now available here. 14/10/2014
Approaching the 2nd Stakeholder forum, BEREC is launching the new BEREC official twitter account, as a result of the implementation of the BEREC communication plan.  14/10/2014
BEREC adopted a BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation pursuant to Article 7a of Directive 2002/21/EC as amended by Directive 2009/140/EC on 22 October. On 24/10/2014
BEREC has arranged its second BEREC Stakeholder Forum. An extensive number of stakeholders were present and took active part in the discussions. One of the 20/10/2014
BEREC Chair 2015 and BEREC Vice-chair (BIPT) Presentation of the draft BEREC Strategy 2015-2017 and draft BEREC Work Programme 2015 EBU Presentation of the views 20/10/2014
BEREC Opinion Phase II investigation Case FR/2012/1304 Wholesale market for voice call termination on individual mobile networks (Market 7) - new entrants has been published here 24/05/2012
The  2nd meeting of the BEREC Stakeholder Forum will take place on 16 October 2014, in Brussels. The event is organised with the objective 10/10/2014
BEREC e-news in relation to the 20th plenary meeting, held on 25 and 26 September 2014 in Rome (Italy), kindly hosted by the Autorità per 03/10/2014