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Traditionally, after each Board of Regulators’ plenary meeting, BEREC holds a public debriefing. On Wednesday 12 June 2024, at 14:00 CEST, the BEREC Chair Tonko 29/05/2024
BEREC will hold a hybrid workshop on the usage of satellite technologies in mobile communications on Wednesday, 22 May 2024, from 09:10 to 16:30 CET, 11/04/2024
The GADB-Authority system is currently undergoing planned maintenance to ensure its full functionality. Once the maintenance is complete, you will be able to login again 30/05/2024
The BERECNet+ system is currently undergoing planned maintenance to ensure its full functionality. Once the maintenance is complete, you will be able to login again 29/05/2024
The GADB system is currently undergoing planned maintenance to ensure its full functionality. Once the maintenance is complete, you will be able to login again 30/05/2024
Country NRA Status Name, Surname CV Declaration of Interests and Commitment Albania AKEP Participant Mr Tomi Frasheri CV DoI; DoC Albania AKEP Alternate Participant Mr 28/10/2019
Country NRA Status Name, Surname CV Declaration of Interests and Commitment Albania AKEP Participant Mr Tomi Frasheri CV DoI; DoC Albania AKEP Alternate Participant Mr 25/10/2019
The BEREC EVOTE system is currently undergoing planned maintenance to ensure its full functionality. Once the maintenance is complete, you will be able to login 30/05/2024
The 60th BEREC Board of Regulators and BEREC Office Management Board plenary meetings will take place on 3-4 October 2024 in Budapest, Hungary. The events 30/10/2023
The BEREC internal workshop “Telecom regulators' role in the development and implementation of sustainability indicators in the ICT sector” will take place on Wednesday, 11 10/06/2024