The Register is structured chronologically and covers all categories of the documents issued by BEREC and the BEREC Office. Particularly, documents are organized into the following major categories:
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
MC (14) 131 Draft BEREC Office MC Decision to approve the establishment of a reserve list for the post of Financial and Accounting Assistant (TA – Grade AST3) of the BEREC Office BEREC Office MC
MC/2014/14 Decision of the BEREC Office MC on proposal No 2 to the MC for transfer from Title 2 to Title 3 in the BEREC Office Budget and on the adoption of financing decisions for sector specific studies and organisation of BEREC and BEREC Office events BEREC Office MC
MC/2014/13 Decision of the BEREC Office to approve the proposals for the appointment of the Executive Support Assistant and the establishment of a reserve list for BEREC Office BEREC Office MC
MC (14) 117 Draft Decision of the BEREC Office MC on proposal No 2 to the MC for transfer from Title 2 to Title 3 in the BEREC Office Budget and on the adoption of financing decisions for sector specific studies and organisation of BEREC and BEREC Office events BEREC Office
MC (14) 112 Draft Decision of the BEREC Office MC to approve the proposals for the appointment of Executive Support Assistant and the establishment of a reserve list for BEREC Office BEREC Office
MC/2014/11 Decision of the BEREC Office MC on the designation of the two Reporting Officers for the assessment of the probationary period of the Administrative Manager of the BEREC Office BEREC Office MC
MC/2014/12 Decision of the BEREC Office MC on the empowerment of the Administrative Manager for the signature of a Service Level Agreement with ENISA, in accordance with articles 82, 83 and 84 of the BEREC Office Financial Regulation MC/2014/1 BEREC Office MC
MC (14) 96 Draft Decision of the BEREC Office MC on the designation of the two Reporting Officers for the assessment of the probationary period of the Administrative Manager of the BEREC Office BEREC Office MC
MC (14) 100 Draft MC Decision on the empowerment of the Administrative Manager for the signature of a Service Level Agreement with ENISA, in accordance with articles 82, 83 and 84 of the BEREC Office Financial Regulation MC/2014/1 BEREC Office MC
MC/2014/10 Decision of the BEREC Office MC to approve the proposals for the appointment of a Programme Manager and the establishment of a reserve list for BEREC Office BEREC Office MC
MC (14) 90 Draft Decision of the BEREC Office MC to approve the proposals for the appointment of a Programme Manager and the establishment of a reserve list (TA – Grade AD5) of the BEREC Office BEREC Office MC
MC/2014/8 Decision of the BEREC Office MC on the proposal for transfer No 1 to the MC from Title 1 to Title 3 in the BEREC Office Budget made by the Administrative Manager of the BEREC Office with Letter MC (14) 74 of 16 June 2014 BEREC Office MC
MC/2014/9 Decision of the BEREC Office MC for the adoption of a Financing Decision for organising and financing BEREC and BEREC Office events in 2014 BEREC Office MC
MC (14) 76 Draft Decision of the BEREC Office MC for the adoption of a Financing Decision for organising and financing BEREC and BEREC Office events in 2014 BEREC Office MC
MC (14) 75 Draft Decision of the BEREC Office MC on the proposal for transfers from Title 1 to Title 3 in the BEREC Office Budget made by the Administrative Manager of the BEREC Office with Letter MC (14) 74 of 16 June 2014 BEREC Office Administrative Manager
MC/2014/7 Decision of the BEREC Office MC to approve the proposals for the appointment of a HR Officer and the establishment of a reserve list for BEREC Office BEREC Office MC
MC (14) 64 Draft MC decision to approve the proposals for the appointment of a HR Officer and the establishment of a reserve list for BEREC Office BEREC Office MC
MC/2014/5 Decision of the BEREC Office MC to approve the proposals for the appointment of a Head of the Programme Management Unit and the establishment of a reserve list (TA – Grade AD9) BEREC Office MC
MC/2014/6 Decision by the BEREC Office MC on change of category of staff BEREC Office MC
MC (14) 58 Draft Decision by the BEREC Office MC on change of category of staff BEREC Office MC