The Register is structured chronologically and covers all categories of the documents issued by BEREC and the BEREC Office. Particularly, documents are organized into the following major categories:
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
MC/2015/5 Decision of the BEREC Office MC on the adoption of certain implementing rules to the Staff Regulations on attestation procedure BEREC Office MC
MC/2015/4 Decision of the BEREC Office MC repealing the Decision MC/2012/05 adopted to establish direct service agreements with the international schools in the Republic of Latvia to cover schooling fees for children of the BEREC Office staff BEREC Office MC
MC (15) 66 Draft BEREC Office MC Decision concerning the reimbursement of travel, subsistence and other expenses incurred in the course of journeys made by persons not employed by the BEREC Office and repealing the previous Management Committee Decision № MC/2013/5 of 6 June 2013 BEREC Vice-Chair (BNetzA)
MC (15) 51 Draft BEREC Office MC Decision repealing the Decision MC/2012/05 adopted to establish direct service agreements with the international schools in the Republic of Latvia to cover schooling fees for children of the BEREC Office staff BEREC Office
MC (15) 54 Draft BEREC Office MC Decision laying down general implementing provisions of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the EU on the procedure governing the working time BEREC Office
MC (15) 49 Draft BEREC Office MC Decision on appraisal of contract agents BEREC Office
MC (15) 50 Draft BEREC Office MC Decision on engagement and use of “2f” temporary agents BEREC Office
MC (15) 59 Draft BEREC Office MC Decision on request for Amending 1 of the budget and the establishment plan for the financial year 2015 BEREC Office
MC (15) 53 Draft BEREC Office MC Decision on the adoption of certain implementing rules to the Staff Regulations BEREC Office
MC (15) 52 Draft BEREC Office MC Decision on the adoption of certain implementing rules to the Staff Regulations on attestation procedure BEREC Office
MC (15) 55 Draft BEREC Office MC Decision on the change of category of staff BEREC Office
MC (15) 57 Draft Decision of the BEREC Office MC on proposal No 1 to the MC for transfers from Title 2 to Title 3 in the BEREC Office Budget 2015 BEREC Office
MC/2015/1 BEREC Office MC Decision on financing decision for launching a procurement procedure to purchase or rent audio-video conference facilities to be placed in Brussels and to cover auxiliary costs BEREC Office MC
MC (15) 44 Draft BEREC Office MC Financing Decision for procurement procedure on purchase or rental of audio-video conference facilities BEREC Office MC
MC (15) 41 Draft BEREC Office MC Financing Decision for the purchase or rental of audio-video conference facilities to be placed in Brussels and to cover auxiliary costs BEREC Office MC
MC/2014/17 Decision of the BEREC Office MC to approve the proposals for the establishment of a reserve list for the post of Senior Programme Manager (TA-AD7) of the BEREC Office BEREC Office MC
MC/2014/16 Decision of the BEREC Office MC on the request of the Administrative Manager to authorise expenditure in excess of one provisional twelfth of the anticipated budget 2015 BEREC Office MC
MC (14) 143 Draft MC decision to approve the proposals for the establishment of a reserve list for the post of Senior Programme Manager (TA-AD7) of the BEREC Office BEREC Chair
MC (14) 140 Draft Decision of the BEREC Office MC on on the request of the Administrative Manager to authorise expenditure in excess of one provisional twelfth of the anticipated budget 2015 BEREC Office MC
MC/2014/15 Decision of the BEREC Office MC to approve the establishment of a reserve list for the post of Financial and Accounting Assistant (TA – Grade AST3) of the BEREC Office BEREC Office MC