
495 Results: BEREC / Reports
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
BoR (18) 29 Internal Report on the feasibility of a BEREC Open Data Platform BEREC
BoR (18) 31 International Roaming BEREC Benchmark Data Report April 2017 - September 2017 BEREC
BoR (18) 30 Report on NRAs’ practices for ensuring equivalence of access and choice for disabled end-users BEREC
BoR (18) 23 Study on Implications of 5G Deployment on Future Business Models DotEcon Ltd and Axon Partners Group
BoR (18) 41 BEREC preliminary analysis of intra-EU calls BEREC
BoR (17) 244 Benchmark Report of Competences of National Regulatory Authorities
BoR (17) 256 BEREC and RSPG joint report on Facilitating mobile connectivity in "challange areas" BEREC
BoR (17) 257 BEREC Report on the outcome of the consultation on the Draft BEREC-RSPG joint report on facilitating mobile connectivity in ‘challenge areas’ BEREC
BoR (17) 243 Report on non-residential market indicators for the European Commission’s Digital ScoreboardReport on non-residential market indicators for the European Commission’s Digital Scoreboard BEREC
BoR (17) 246 BEREC Analysis of individual NRAs’ role around access conditions to State aid funded infrastructure BEREC
BoR (17) 240 BEREC Report on the implementation of Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 and BEREC Net Neutrality Guidelines BEREC
BoR (17) 245 BEREC report on the Implementation of the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive BEREC
BoR (17) 237 BEREC Report on the outcome of the public consultation on the draft Work Programme for 2018 BEREC
BoR (17) 241 BEREC Report on tools and methods used to identify commercial and technical practices for the implementation of article 3 of Regulation 2015/2120 BEREC
BoR (17) 230 BEREC Report on Transparency and Comparability of International Roaming Tariffs BEREC
BoR (17) 232 Qualitative assessment of Article 7/7a procedures BEREC