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These guidelines are provided by BEREC in response to the task set in article 110(2) of the Directive (EU) 2018/1972 of the European Parliament and 03/02/2020
During its 41th plenary meeting (5-6 December 2019, Malta) the Board of Regulators approved the draft BEREC Report on Member States’ best practices to support 28/01/2020
Each year, BEREC organises a study trip to a non-EU country to gain insights from the local electronic communications markets and digital ecosystem. The BEREC 17/01/2020
On 9 January 2020 the BEREC Office held a high-level kick-off meeting between the BEREC Office and the Latvian Government – the Ministry of Transport 09/01/2020
Implementation of the new EECC continues to be at the forefront of BEREC’s work. In 2020 BEREC will also tackle new topics such as digital 11/12/2019
What is zero-rating? ‘Zero-rating’ is when an ISP applies a price of zero to the data traffic associated with a particular application or class of 30/08/2016
Which end-users are protected by the Regulation, and how? The Regulation establishes rights in relation to the open internet for “end-users”. Using the legal 06/06/2016
During its 40th plenary meeting (3-4 October 2019, Crete) the Board of Regulators approved the draft BEREC Guidelines detailing Quality of Service Parameters for public 06/12/2019
One of the tasks of the BEREC Office as decentralised Agency of the EU is to bring the EU closer to the citizens. Therefore the 17/09/2019
The results of the study on determinants of investments in Very High Capacity Networks #VHCN and a report on the outcomes of the Call for 04/12/2019