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The monthly BEREC summary report says that while traffic on fixed and mobile networks has increased, no major congestion issues have occurred. The National Regulatory 28/08/2020
BEREC has adopted a new statement, sharing concerns on the measures taken by some Member States that could hamper national regulatory authorities’ (NRAs) independence. 11/08/2020
During its 43rd plenary meeting (11-12 June 2020) the Board of Regulators approved the draft BEREC Guidelines on the Criteria for a Consistent Application of 10/08/2020
During its 43rd plenary meeting, the Board of Regulators approved the draft BEREC Guide to the 5G Radar and 5G Radar for public consultation. By 10/08/2020
The status of internet traffic remains stable and in some European Union countries the data traffic slightly declined – says the updated BEREC summary report 31/07/2020
Guidebook for economic operators participating in procurement procedures of the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office) is designed to help economic operators to submit 21/07/2020
On 15 July 2020, BEREC held a virtual extraordinary plenary meeting to respond to the public consultation launched by the European Commission (EC) on 2 15/07/2020
Collaborative regulation, spectrum management, digital safety, as well as the inclusiveness were among the main topics of the Global Symposium for Regulators 2020: Regional Regulatory 08/07/2020
Due to the uncertain situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the BEREC 8th Stakeholder Forum will be a virtual event. It will take place on 06/07/2020
BEREC guidelines to issue according to the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). Source: BEREC 22/06/2020