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The Subscribe page is currently undergoing maintenance for ensuring its full functionality. During that, subscription to our website updates, media and stakeholders lists will be 15/11/2022
Export_Number_Ranges_Query Country Country_code Code_leading Num_starts Num_stops Max_num_length Min_num_length ECS_Type Link_rules_described Link_assigment_reported Only_EU Link_portability_is_reported Additional_information Worldwide BE 32 77 000 000 000 00 999 999 999 12/07/2022
On 10 November in Riga, Latvia, BEREC and the Eastern Partnership Regulators for Electronic Communications (EaPeReg) held a joint summit to discuss the future perspectives 11/11/2022
On 14 December 2022 in Brussels at 14:00 CET, BEREC will hold a public debriefing to present the outcomes of the latest ordinary meetings. During the 28/11/2022
The 4th meeting of the BEREC Contact Network (CN) for 2022 will take place on 17-18 November 2022 in Budapest, Hungary. The objective of the meeting is to prepare the 18/10/2021
In the recent report ‘Assessing BEREC’s contribution to limiting the impact of the digital sector on the environment’ adopted by the BoR in June 2022, 21/10/2022
On 5 December 2022, the BEREC Chair 2022 Annemarie Sipkes (ACM, the Netherlands ), the BEREC Chair 2023 Kostas Masselos (EETT, Greece) 06/12/2022
In the recent report ‘Assessing BEREC’s contribution to limiting the impact of the digital sector on the environment’ adopted by the BoR in June 2022, 21/10/2022
On 14 December 2022, in Brussels, at the IRG Secretariat, Rue de la Science 14, 3rd floor, BEREC held a public debriefing to present the outcomes of the 18/10/2021
Please note that the deadline for submission of stakeholders' contributions is extended to 30 November 2022. During the 52nd BEREC plenary meeting (5-7 October 2022), 11/10/2022