Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
BoR (12) 69 BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation pursuant to Article 7 of Directive 2002/21/EC as amended by Directive 2009/140/EC on Case CZ/2012/1322: Wholesale broadband access (Market 5) in the Czech Republic BEREC
Registration form
BoR (12) 53 BEREC Report on the current accessibility of numbering resources pursuant to art. 28.1 USD BEREC
MC (10) 37 Decision by the BEREC Office MC on the appointing of the Administrative Manager of the BEREC Office BEREC Office MC
BoR (11) 67 BEREC Guidelines on transparency in the scope of net neutrality: best practices and recommended approaches BEREC
BoR (12) 52 BEREC Report impact of fixed-mobile substitution (FMS) in market definition BEREC
BoR (12) 27 BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation pursuant to Article 7 of Directive 2002/21/EC as amended by Directive 2009/140/EC: Case NL/2012/1298 Market Analysis on Unbundled Access to Corporate Fibre-Optic Network (ODF Access FTTO) – submarket to market 4 in the Netherlands BEREC
BoR (12) 72 BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation pursuant to Article 7a of Directive 2002/21/EC as amended by Directive 2009/140/EC: Case FI/2012/1328-1329: Wholesale physical network infrastructure access at a fixed location (market 4) and wholesale broadband access (market 5) in Finland BEREC
BoR (11) 69 Annex 3 Draft BEREC report on Co-investment and significant market power (SMP) in Next Generation Access Networks (NGA) BEREC
BoR (12) 66 BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation pursuant to Article 7a of Directive 2002/21/EC as amended by Directive 2009/140/EC:Case PL/2012/1311 Wholesale broadband access (Market 5) in Poland BEREC