Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
BoR PC04 (11) 42 Contribution by Optimus Portugal to BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency: Best practices and recommended approaches Optimus Portugal
BoR PC04 (11) 37 Contribution by MIH Group to BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency: Best practices and recommended approaches MIH Group
BoR PC04 (11) 35 Contribution by Liberty Global to BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency: Best practices and recommended approaches Liberty Global
BoR PC04 (11) 40 Contribution by NURPA to BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency: Best practices and recommended approaches Net Users Rights Protection Association - NURPA
BoR PC04 (11) 36 Contribution by LQDN to BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency: Best practices and recommended approaches LQDN
Press-release by BEREC on strategic dialogue BEREC Chair 2012
BoR PC04 (11) 14 Joint contribution by Business operators to BEREC’s public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency: Best practices and recommended approaches Business operators: AT&T, BT, Cable & Wireless Worldwide, Orange Business Services and Verizon Business
BoR PC04 (11) 15 Contribution by Cable Europe to BEREC's public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency: Best practices and recommended approaches Cable Europe
BoR PC04 (11) 13 Contribution by BTG to BEREC's public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency: Best practices and recommended approaches BTG
BoR PC04 (11) 17 Contribution by Deutsche Telekom to BEREC public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Net Neutrality and Transparency: Best practices and recommended approaches Deutsche Telekom