Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
MB (22) 39 Conclusions of the 51st Ordinary Plenary Meeting of the BEREC Office Management Board Chairperson
MB (22) 89 Voting report on the Single Programming Document 2023-2025 and 2023 Budget and Establishment Plan of BEREC Office Chairperson
MB (22) 88 Launch of e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the draft Single Programming Document 2023-2025 and 2023 Budget and Establishment Plan of the BEREC Office Chairperson
MB (22) 87 Launch of e-voting (COMMENTS ROUND) on the draft Single Programming Document 2023-2025 and 2023 Budget and Establishment Plan of the BEREC Office Chairperson
BoR PC12 (22) 17 Contribution of Zapaat Internet Search Engine to the public consultation on the Draft BEREC Report on the Internet Ecosystem Zapaat Internet Search Engine
BoR PC11 (22) 10 Contribution of VATM to the public consultation on the Draft Report on Satellite Connectivity for Universal Service VATM
BoR PC11 (22) 09 Contribution of EchoStar Mobile to the public consultation on the Draft Report on Satellite Connectivity for Universal Service EchoStar Mobile
BoR PC11 (22) 08 Contribution of Viasat to the public consultation on the Draft Report on Satellite Connectivity for Universal Service Viasat
BoR PC11 (22) 07 Contribution of SES to the public consultation on the Draft Report on Satellite Connectivity for Universal Service SES
BoR PC11 (22) 06 Contribution of GSOA to the public consultation on the Draft Report on Satellite Connectivity for Universal Service GSOA