The Register is structured chronologically and covers all categories of the documents issued by BEREC and the BEREC Office. Particularly, documents are organized into the following major categories:
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
MC DI (12) 19 2012 Annual Declaration of Interest of Mrs Iris Henseler-Unger (BNetzA), Alternate to a Member of the BEREC Office MC Mrs Iris Henseler-Unger (BNetzA)
MC DC (12) 28 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Dr Valdis Lokenbahs (SPRK), Member of the BEREC Office MC Dr Valdis Lokenbahs (SPRK)
MC DC (12) 24 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Mr Alex Chisholm (ComReg), Member of the BEREC Office MC Mr Alex Chisholm (ComReg)
MC DC (12) 18 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Mr Jerome Coutant (ARCEP), Alternate to a Member of the BEREC Office MC Mr Jerome Coutant (ARCEP)
MC DC (12) 11 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Mr Jorgen Abild Andersen (DBA), Member of the BEREC Office MC Mr Jorgen Abild Andersen (DBA)
MC DC (12) 35 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Ms Magdalena Gaj (UKE), Member of the BEREC Office MC Ms Magdalena Gaj (UKE)
MC DI (12) 28 2012 Annual Declaration of Interest of Dr Valdis Lokenbahs (SPRK), Member of the BEREC Office MC Dr Valdis Lokenbahs (SPRK)
MC DI (12) 24 2012 Annual Declaration of Interest of Mr Alex Chisholm (ComReg), Member of the BEREC Office MC Mr Alex Chisholm (ComReg)
MC DI (12) 18 2012 Annual Declaration of Interest of Mr Jerome Coutant (ARCEP), Alternate to a Member of the BEREC Office MC Mr Jerome Coutant (ARCEP)
MC DI (12) 35 2012 Annual Declaration of Interest of Ms Magdalena Gaj (UKE), Member of the BEREC Office MC Ms Magdalena Gaj (UKE)
MC DC (12) 29 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Dr Andris Virtmanis (SPRK), Alternate to a Member of the BEREC Office MC Dr Andris Virtmanis (SPRK)
MC DC (12) 20 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Dr Leonidas Kanellos (EETT), Member of the BEREC Office MC Dr Leonidas Kanellos (EETT)
MC DC (12) 09 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Dr Pavel Dvořák (CTU), Member of the BEREC Office MC Dr Pavel Dvořák (CTU)
MC DC (12) 51 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Mr Ed Richards (OFCOM), Member of the BEREC Office MC Mr Ed Richards (OFCOM)
MC DC (12) 27 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Mr Enzo Savarese (AGCOM), Alternate to a Member of the BEREC Office MC Mr Enzo Savarese (AGCOM)
MC DC (12) 34 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Mr Georgios Papapavlou (EETT), New Alternate to a Member of the BEREC Office MC Mr Georgios Papapavlou (EETT)
MC DC (12) 26 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Mr Roberto Viola (AGCOM), Member of the BEREC Office MC Mr Roberto Viola (AGCOM)
MC DC (12) 10 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Mrs Nadezda Páclová (CTU), Alternate to a Member of the BEREC Office MC Mrs Nadezda Páclová (CTU)
MC DC (12) 06 2012 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Ms Vyara Mincheva (CRC), Alternate to a Member of the BEREC Office MC Ms Vyara Mincheva (CRC)
MC DI (12) 29 2012 Annual Declaration of Interest of Dr Andris Virtmanis (SPRK), Alternate to a Member of the BEREC Office MC Dr Andris Virtmanis (SPRK)