E-voting procedures

370 Results: BEREC / E-voting procedures
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
BoR (18) 145 Launch of the e-clearance procedure voting round on draft BoR decision on confirmatory appliaction on access BEREC report summarising annual reports by NRAs on the implementation of the net neutrality provisions BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 142 Launch of the e-clearance procedure comments round on draft BoR decision on confirmatory application on access BEREC report summarising annual reports by NRAs on the implementation of the net neutrality provisions BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 140 Voting report on the outcomes of the e-clearance procedure on draft MoU between BEREC and FCC  BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 139 Launch of the e-clearance procedure voting round on draft MoU between BEREC and FCC  BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 137 Launch of the e-clearance procedure comments round on draft MoU between BEREC and FCC BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 128 Voting report on the e-clearance procedure voting round on draft BoR decision on confirmatory appliaction on access to document on symmetric regulation BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 127 Launch of the e-clearance procedure voting round on draft BoR decision on confirmatory appliaction on access to document on symmetric regulation BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 124 Launch of the e-clearance procedure comments round on draft BoR decision on confirmatory application to access document on symmetric regulation BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 122 Voting report on the e-clearance procedure voting round on the draft BEREC opinion on BNetzA request regarding roaming regulation BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 100 Launch of the urgent e-clearance procedure on the draft BEREC opinion on BNetzA request regarding roaming regulation BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 99 Voting report on the draft BEREC position on in-flight offer BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 96 Launch of the e-clearance prcedure voting round on the draft BEREC position on in-flight offer BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 90 Launch of the e-clearance prcedure comments round on the draft BEREC position on in-flight offer BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 81 Voting report on the outcomes of the e-clearance procedure on the draft BEREC supplementary analysis of intra-EU calls BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 80 Launch of the e-clearance procedure voting round on the draft BEREC supplementary analysis of intra-EU calls BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 82 Voting report on the outcomes of the e-clearance procedure on the draft BoR decision on confirmatory application for access to Net Neutrality Expert Working Group documents BEREC Chair