Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
MB (21) 43 Launch of e-voting (VOTING ROUND) on the 2020 CAAR and MB opinion on final accounts Chairperson
BoR (21) 105 BEREC Summary Report on the status of internet capacity, regulatory and other measures in light of the Covid-19 crisis BEREC
BoR (21) 106 Nomination concerning a new Participant of the Board of Regulators from the Kosovo regulator ARKEP ARKEP
MB(21) 44 Nomination concerning a new Participant of the Management Board from the Kosovo regulator ARKEP ARKEP
MB (21) 42 Launch of e-voting (COMMENTS ROUND) on the 2020 CAAR and MB opinion on final accounts Chairperson
BEREC/2014/04 Call for expression of interest for the establishment of a reserve list for the posts of Senior Programme Manager (TA - Grade AD7)of the BEREC Office BEREC/2014/04
BoR (21) 104 Handbook of BEREC Guidelines on Geographical surveys of network deployments BEREC
Ares(2021)3922814 Headquarters Agreement between the Agency for Support for the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications and the Government of the Republic of Latvia Agency for Support for BEREC, Government of the Republic of Latvia
BoR (21) 86 BEREC Report on WACC parameter calculations according to the European Commission's WACC Notice of 6 November 2019 BEREC
BoR (21) 83 BEREC Report on the outcome of the public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on Geographical surveys of network deployments. Verification of information BEREC