Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
BoR (18) 37 EC request for BEREC Opinion on the SMP guidelines EC
BoR (18) 20 List of the Members and Observers of the Board of Regulators established pursuant to Article 4 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1211/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 establishing BEREC and the Office BEREC Office
MC (18) 16 List of the Members and Observers of the BEREC Office Management Committee BEREC Office
BoR DC (18) 47 2018 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Tanja Muha, Member of the BEREC Board of Regulators from AKOS Tanja Muha, AKOS
BoR DI (18) 47 2018 Annual Declaration of Interests of Tanja Muha, Member of the BEREC Board of Regulators from AKOS Tanja Muha, AKOS
MC DC (18) 47 2018 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Tanja Muha, Member of the BEREC Office MC from AKOS Tanja Muha, AKOS
MC DC (18) 57 2018 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Anthony Whelan, Alternate Member of the BEREC Office MC from EC Anthony Whelan, EC
MC DC (18) 59 2018 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Joos Francke, Alternate Member of the BEREC Office MC from ACM Joos Francke, ACM
MC DC (18) 53 2018 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Henk Don, Member of the BEREC Office MC from ACM Henk Don, ACM
MC DC (18) 40 2018 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Anna Rogozinska, Alternate Member of the BEREC Office MC from UKE Anna Rogozinska, UKE