Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
BoR (18) 79 Launch of the e-clearance procedure voting round on the draft BoR decision on confirmatory application for access to Net Neutrality Expert Working Group documents BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 77 Launch of the e-clearance procedure comments round on the draft BEREC supplementary analysis of intra-EU calls BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 76 BEREC Chair invitation to CRTC to attend BEREC plenary meeting in 2018 BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 78 EC letter to BEREC Chair on Strategy on Western Balkans EC
BoR (18) 74 Launch of the e-clearance procedure comments round on the draft BoR decision on confirmatory application for access to Net Neutrality Expert Working Group documents BEREC Chair
BEREC/2018/02 Call for expression of interest Finance and Accounting Assistant BEREC Office
MC DI (18) 56 2018 Annual Declaration of Interests of Roberto Viola, Member of the BEREC Office MC from EC Roberto Viola, EC
MC DC (18) 56 2018 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Roberto Viola, Member of the BEREC Office MC from EC Roberto Viola, EC
BoR (18) 73 Voting report on the outcomes of the e-clearance procedure on the draft BoR decision on confirmatory application for access to Net Neutrality Expert Working Group documents BEREC Chair
BoR /2018/03 Decision of the Board of Regulators on confirmatory application for access to Net Neutrality EWG documents BEREC