Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
BoR (19) 210 Notice for the launch of the public consultation for BEREC draft Feasibility study on development of coverage information for 5G deployments BEREC
BoR (19) 209 Notice for the launch of public consultation on the document on BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation BEREC
BoR (19) 215 Press release - BEREC elects new Chair 2021 and signs Memorandum of Understanding with the International Telecommunication Union BEREC
MB/2019/16 Decision No MB/2019/16 of the Management Board of the Agency for support for BEREC (BEREC Office) laying down rules on preventing and managing conflicts of interest concerning the members of the Management Board BEREC Office MB
MB/2019/17 Decision of the BEREC Office Management Board on the designation of two Reporting Officers to appraise the Director of the BEREC Office BEREC Office MB
MB (19) 94 Transfers by the Director of the BEREC Office in the BEREC Office Budget in the period January - June 2019 BEREC Office Director
MB (19) 93 BEREC Office Consolidated Interim Report for the period - Jan-Jun 2019 BEREC Office Director
BoR (19) 216 Voting report on the e-clearance on Draft BEREC Input on weighted average of maximum mobile termination rates BEREC Chair
BoR (19) 190 Letter to the Commission for submitting BEREC input on weighted average of maximum mobile termination rates BEREC Chair
MB (19) 95rev.1 Rules of Procedure of the Management Board of the BEREC Office BEREC Office MB