Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
BoR (20) 224 BEREC Report on the outcome of the public consultation on the draft BEREC Guidelines on the Criteria for a Consistent Application of Article 61(3) EECC BEREC
BoR (20) 225 BEREC Guidelines on the Criteria for a Consistent Application of Article 61 (3) EECC BEREC
BoR (20) 226 BEREC response on the targeted public consultation on the evaluation of the state aid rules for the deployment of broadband networks BEREC
BoR (20) 231 BEREC Report on the outcome of the public consultation on the Draft BEREC Guidelines to foster the consistent application of the conditions and criteria for assessing co-investments in new very high capacity network elements (Article 76 (1) and Annex IV EECC) BEREC
BoR (20) 228 Report of BEREC recent activities concerning the EU 5G Cybersecurity Toolbox Strategic Measures 5 and 6 (Diversification of suppliers and strengthening national resilience) BEREC
BoR (20) 220 BEREC Work Programme 2021 BEREC
BoR (20) 230 Draft BEREC Guidelines on Geographical surveys. Verification of information BEREC
BoR (20) 245 Notice for the launch of the public consultation on Draft BEREC guidelines on geographical surveys. Verification of information. BEREC
BoR (20) 246 Press release - BEREC adopts the Work Programme 2021, more guidelines and launches the 5G radar BEREC Office
BoR (20) 232 BEREC Guidelines to foster the consistent application of the conditions and criteria for assessing co-investments in new very high capacity network elements (Article 76 (1) and Annex IV EECC) BEREC