Privacy statement for BEREC internal lists

 1. What personal data do we collect?

List of data categories for internal lists

- Name(s) and surname(s);

- Name of the respective national regulatory authority (NRA) together with information on the origin state, name of other organizations (European Commission, ESA, IRG) or name of supportive structures (the BEREC Office);

- Information on member’s position with respect to specific activity (BoR member, CN member, BAG member,  focal points, WG member, WG drafter, position in the BEREC Office);

- Business e-mail address.

BEREC Office WG support list also contains information about the professional background and pictures of the BEREC Office staff members.

List of data categories for the public list (i.e. the Heads list)

Name(s) and surname(s),

Country and NRA

2. For what purpose do we collect personal data and on which legal basis?

In order to provide administrative and professional support to BEREC, the BEREC Office must collect personal data in order to establish, maintain and circulate the following contact lists:

  • BEREC Working Groups(internal)
  • Heads i.e. members of the Board of Regulators and the Management Board as well as their alternates and representatives of regulatory authorities of third countries participating to the Board of Regulators and the Management Board (public)
  • Contact Network and BEREC Advisory Group (internal)
  • BEREC Miniboard i.e. Chair and Vice-Chairs of the Board of Regulators as well as any person indicated by the BEREC Chair (internal)
  • BEREC Office i.e. BEREC Office staff members, seconded national experts, interim staff and trainees (internal)
  • Focal Points i.e. contact points for Articles 7 and 7a procedures of the Framework Directive(internal)


The legal bases of processing operation are:

  • Article 5 (1) (a) of Regulation 2018/1725
  • Article 5 (1) (d) of Regulation 2018/1725 (for collecting the pictures of BEREC Office staff members)
  • Articles 5(a) of Regulation 2018/1971 (‘the BEREC Regulation’)
  • Articles 7(5) and 15(4) of the BEREC Regulation

3. Who may receive your personal data?

  • Internal lists: data subjects on the lists
  • Heads list: publicly available

4. How long are your personal data kept?

The contact data are kept in the respective contact lists as long as the member stays in the relevant position.

5. What are your rights?

You have the right to request from the controller access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data or restriction of processing.
As far as pictures are concerned,

  • you have the right to data portability;
  • you have the right to withdraw your consent for BEREC Office to process your personal data at any time.

The controller shall provide information on action taken on a request within one month of receipt of the request. That period may be extended by two further months where necessary, taking into account the complexity and number of the requests.

6. Who is the data controller and how to exercise your rights?

The BEREC Office shall exercise the tasks of the data controller for the purpose of these processing operations.
To exercise the mentioned rights, you can contact the controller by sending an email to:  [email protected]

If you feel your data protection rights have been breached, you can always lodge a complaint with the BEREC Office’s Data Protection Officer ([email protected]) or with the European Data Protection Supervisor: [email protected].