Response by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) to BEREC 2012 public consultation on revised common positions on remedies in Wholesale Local Access (WLA), Wholesale Broadband Access (WBA) and Wholesale Leased Lines (WLL)

Document number: BoR PC09 (12) 13

Document date: 30-10-2012

Date of registration: 02-11-2012

Document type:
Author: The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR)
Response by Response by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) to BEREC 2012 public consultation on the revised BEREC Common Positions on Wholesale Local Access (WLA), Wholesale Broadband Access (WBA) and Wholesale Leased Lines (WLA), namely:
revised CP on WLA (BoR (12) 104).
The consultation was held in the period 27 September – 18 October 2012 and was announced by an introductory document BoR (12) 105"