Response by BEUC to BEREC 2012 public consultation on net neutrality

Document number: BoR PC07 (12) 72

Document date: 08-08-2012

Date of registration: 08-08-2012

Document type:
Author: BEUC

Response by BEUC to BEREC 2012 public consultation on net neutrality (NN), which covered 3 BEREC draft documents, namely:

1. BoR (12) 32 Draft Guidelines for Quality of Service in the scope of NN;
2. BoR (12) 33 Draft Report “An assessment of IP-interconnection in the context of NN”;
3. BoR (12) 31 Draft Report “Differentiation practices and related competition issues in the scope of NN”.

The consultation was held in the period 29 May – 31 July 2012 and was announced by a joint consultation notice BoR (12) 34.