FCS's contribution to the public consultation on draft BEREC High Level Principles on issues of non-discrimination

Document number: BoR PC06 (12) 03

Document date: 20-03-2012

Date of registration: 21-08-2012

Document type:
Author: FCS

FCS's contribution to the public consultation on draft BEREC High Level Principles on issues of non-discrimination, organised by BEREC as a first step in the process of the review and updating the three Common Positions (CPs) approved by the European Regulators Group (ERG) on key wholesale access products – wholesale unbundled access (ERG (06) 70 rev1), wholesale broadband access (ERG (06) 69 rev1) and wholesale leased lines (ERG (07) 54 ), in relation to non-discrimination, access (including issues relating to NGA), pricing and other issues.