Report on the outcome of the BEREC electronic voting procedure on Mergers and Acquisitions

Document number: BoR (15) 26

Document date: 06-02-2015

Date of registration: 06-02-2015

Document type:
Author: BEREC Chair

The BEREC Office has been asked to prepare a short document about recent mergers and acquisitions in telecommunications markets, which was discussed within MEA EWG. This document is intended to be used as a preparation document for NRAs attending the Workshop on oligopoly analysis and regulation, which is to be held on February the 25th, preceding the first Plenary meeting of 201 5.
The document contains a short overview of European merger law and a factual description of three recent merger cases in mobile telecommunications market. The description of the merger cases in this document is meant to be factual and does not represent an opinion of BEREC or comment upon the analysis conducted by the Commission.

The current document is part of the internal BEREC decision making process and therefore is not available to the public.