PRD on BEREC's Input to the European Commission on the calculation of weighted average maximum MTRs in Europe for the purposes of international roaming according to Art. 6c para 2 of the proposed Roaming IV Regulation

Document number: BoR (15) 123

Document date: 20-08-2015

Date of registration: 21-08-2015

Document type:
Author: BEREC

According to Article 6c, para 2, of the proposed Roaming IV Regulation, the Commission, after having consulted BEREC, shall adopt implementing acts setting out the weighted average of maximum mobile termination rates. Therefore with a letter of 28 July 2015 the Commission has requested BEREC's input to such futire implenting acts. In order to be able to deliver the requested input on time the BEREC Board of Regulators has adopted the current Project Requirements Document for the work to be carried out by BEREC.

The current document is intended for internal use and therefore is not available to the public.