Launch of the comments round on the draft BEREC Decision on the BMK EWG co-chair

Document number: BoR (15) 106

Document date: 15-07-2015

Date of registration: 16-07-2015

Document type:
Author: BEREC Chair

In accordance with article 11 of the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Regulators (hereby, BoR RoP), the Board of Regulators may decide to create Expert Working Groups (hereby, EWGs), to assist with the performance of the tasks and functions of BEREC.
Each EWG shall be chaired by two co-Chairs, from different NRAs, and shall be open to all members and observers. Given that the Benchmarking Expert Working Group has only one co-Chair, the Board of Regulators shall appoint the remaining co-chair.

Document is part of the internal decision making process and is not available to the public.