International Roaming: BEREC Input to EC request

Document number: BoR (14) 187

Document date: 04-12-2014

Date of registration: 05-12-2014

Document type:
Author: BEREC

On 3 April 2014, the European Parliament (EP) adopted at first reading a legislative resolution on the proposed Regulation, which contained a proposal to abolish the retail roaming surcharges in order to allow customers to “Roam Like at Home” (RLAH) subject to a fair use limit. On 17 May 2014, BEREC published its views on the EP proposals stating that, while the EP amendments represented an improvement on the EC’s proposals, some of the problems of regulatory uncertainty BEREC had identified with the EC’s original proposals remained.

On 9 April 2014, BEREC received a request from the EC for advice in assessing the state of the wholesale roaming market and defining the so-called fair use criteria, in order to inform discussions between the EC and the co-legislators, and help enable a smooth and predictable transition in the mobile market to any new requirements.

During its 21st plenary meeting held on 4 and 5 December 2014 in Brussels (Belgium) the Board of Regulators approved BEREC’s input to the Commission request in relation to roaming.

The document approved by the Board of Regulators is addressed to the Commission and is not available to the public. However, on 17 December 2014, via electronic voting procedure, BEREC approved International Roaming: Analysis of the impacts of “Roam Like at Home” (RLAH), which is available to the public and can be consulted through the link provided above.