Call for expression of interest for BMK EWG co-Chair

Document number: BoR (15) 59

Document date: 11-05-2015

Date of registration: 13-05-2015

Document type:
Author: BEREC Chair

Call for expression of interest for BMK EWG co-Chair:In accordance with article 11 of the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Regulators (hereby, BoR RoP), the Board of Regulators may decide to create Expert Working Groups (hereby, EWGs), to assist with the performance of the tasks and functions of BEREC. Each EWG shall be led by two co-Chairs, from different NRAs and shall be open to all members and observers. The appointment of the co-Chairs of an EWG follows the launch of a call for interest, in accordance with Article 11 (4) BoR RoP, whose procedure is fully detailed in the Internal Guidelines on the operation of BEREC Expert Working Groups (BoR (15) 16).Notwithstanding, the appointment of the co-Chair for the above identified EWG will be done according to the transitional provision adopted in the Brussels Plenary, which took place in December 2014.In order to comply with the transitory provision, a call for interest will be launched on 11 May 2015, so as to have the EWG co-Chair appointed by Plenary 2 2015, which will take place on 4-5 June 2015. The mandate of the newly appointment co-Chair will end on 31 December 2016.

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