BoR Decision on the BEREC Art 7 and 7a Phase II Pool of Rapporteurs to be contacted when no Rapporteur is identified within 24 hours after Office’s consultation with NRAs’ focal points

Document number: BoR/2017/02

Document date: 01-06-2017

Date of registration: 07-06-2017

Document type:
Author: BEREC

Under the Internal Guidelines for the elaboration of BEREC Opinions in Article 7 and 7a Phase II cases (BoR/2016/225) the BoR had to establish a reserve Pool of Rapporteurs who would act as Rapporteurs in the Article 7/7a cases if in the first step of the procedure no Rapporteur is identified. The decision establishes the reserve Pool of Rapporteurs for the years 2017 and 2018. The current document is for internal use and is not available to public.

This current document is a part of internal decision making process and is not available to public.