27th BEREC Plenary Meeting in Vienna
The BEREC Board of Regulators (BoR) held its 27th ordinary plenary meeting on 2-3 June 2016 in Vienna, Austria.
During the meeting the BoR discussed and/or approved the following documents:
- Documents approved for publication:
- Input paper on potential regulatory implications of SDN and NFV;
- Termination rates at European level January 2016;
- BoR Decision amending Decision BoR (11) 37 on the Establishment of a Public Register of the BEREC Documents;
- BEREC response to the European Commission’s public consultation on the evaluation of the Termination Rates Recommendation;
Documents approved for internal use:
- BEREC Communication Strategy;
- BEREC Communication Plan 2016;
- Rules of procedure for the Information Sharing Portal and oral report on experiences during “testing phase”;
Documents approved for public consultation:
- Draft BEREC Guidelines on Regulators’ Implementation of European Net Neutrality rules;
- Draft BEREC Common Position on Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products;
- Draft BEREC Report on challenges and drivers of NGA roll out and infrastructure competition;
Discussion on topics of strategic importance
- Regulatory treatment of termination rate for voice calls originated outside the European Economic Area;
- Outline of the BEREC 2017 Work Programme;
- Draft BEREC input paper on OTTs/CAPs;
Documents submitted for information and/or consideration
The BoR took note of the information provided in the following Reports:
- Information on the electronic voting procedures since the last plenary meeting;
- 2016 BEREC Work Programme status update;
Oral up-date on important topics
The BoR was briefed in relation to several other important topics, as follows:
- BEREC International activities;
- Information from Chair;
- Information from Commission;
Next meeting
The next ordinary meeting of the BoR will take place on 6 and 7 October 2016 in Vilnius (Lithuania) and will be hosted by the Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT). The meeting will be preceded by a Heads Workshop on 5 October 2016.
The Chair announced that an extraordinary BoR meeting will be held on 25 August 2016 in Brussels.
The BEREC Office Management Committee (MC) held its 27th ordinary plenary meeting on 3 June 2016 in Vienna.
During the meeting the MC discussed and agreed on the following:
- Documents approved for publication:
The BEREC Office MC discussed all issues related to the functioning of the BEREC Office and approved the following documents for publication:
- MC Decision amending Decision MC (11) 22 on the Public Register of the BEREC Office Documents;
- MC Decision on general implementing provisions regarding Article 54 of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (reclassification of temporary staff);
- MC Decision general implementing provisions regarding Article 87(3) of the Conditions of Employment of Other Servants of the European Union (reclassification of contract staff);
- MC Decision on the Rules Governing the Traineeship Programme of the BEREC Office;
- 2015 Consolidated Annual Activity Report of the BEREC Office (CAAR);
- MC Opinion on the 2015 BEREC Office Final Accounts.
Documents submitted to the MC for information and discussion
The MC took note of the information provided in the following documents:
- Preliminary observations of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) prior to their Report on the annual accounts of the BEREC Office for the financial year 2015;
- European Parliament (EP) decisions of 28 April 2016 on discharge in respect of the implementation of the budget of the BEREC Office for the financial year 2014 and on the closure of the BEREC Office accounts for the financial year 2014;
- 2016 BEREC Office quarterly Report on operation and budget execution;
- Transfers by the BEREC Office Administrative Manager (AM) in the BEREC Office Budget in the period January-March 2016.
The MC was briefed on the following subjects:
- The recent activities of the BEREC Office Advisory Group (BAG) and of the BEREC Vice-Chair in his capacity of appointing authority for the BEREC Office staff;
- The status of the recruitment procedures for Legal Officer and Executive Support Officer;
- Evaluation of the BEREC Office Administrative Manager
Next meeting
The next MC meeting of will take place on 7 October 2016 in Vilnius (Lithuania) and will be hosted by the Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT)