28th BEREC Plenary Meeting in Vilnius
The BEREC Board of Regulators (BoR) held its 28th ordinary plenary meeting on 6 October 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
During the meeting the BoR discussed and/or approved the following documents:
Documents approved for publication
- BEREC Report on Regulatory Accounting in practice 2016;
- 17th BEREC International Roaming Benchmark Data Report;
- BEREC report on the outcomes of the public consultation on the draft BEREC Common Position on Layer 2 Wholesale Access products;
- BEREC Common Position on Layer 2 Wholesale Access products;
- BEREC Report Case Studies on Migration from POTS/ISDN to IP on the Subscriber Access Line in Europe;
- BEREC Report on the outcomes of the public consultation on the draft BEREC Report on challenges and drivers of NGA roll out and infrastructure competition;
- BEREC Report on challenges and drivers of NGA roll out and infrastructure competition;
- BEREC Decision on confirmatory application for access to BEREC internal documents.
Documents approved for internal use
- Report on Regulatory treatment of termination rates for voice calls originated outside the EEA;
- Follow-up Report on Oligopoly Analysis and Regulation;
- BEREC Report on New Bundle Trends;
- BEREC Report from the USA study trip.
Documents approved for public consultation
Discussion on topics of strategic importance
- Draft BEREC input to the European Commission implementing acts on fair use policy and sustainability of the abolition of retail roaming surcharges.
Documents submitted for information and/or consideration
The BoR took note of the information provided in the following Reports:
- Information on the electronic voting procedures since the last plenary meeting;
- 2016 BEREC Work Programme status update;
- BEREC Chair interventions/meetings since the Vienna Plenary meeting;
- Draft BEREC input to the EC regarding the implementing acts setting out the weighted average of maximum mobile TRs across EU;
- Draft agenda for the 4th BEREC Stakeholder Forum meeting (17 October 2016, Brussels);
- Draft outline for a study on net neutrality and draft tender specification.
Oral up-date on important topics
The BoR was briefed in relation to several other important topics, as follows:
- BEREC International activities
- Information from Chair including oral update on elections of Chair 2018 and Vice-Chairs for 2017
- Information from Commission including presentation on the legislative proposal on telecommunication regulatory framework;
- Framework review related developments;
- Review of the AVMS Directive;
- Media regulation;
Next meeting
The next ordinary meeting of the BoR will take place on 8 and 9 December 2016 in Berlin (Germany) and will be hosted by the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA).